On July 15, Russia quietly tested their newest space weapon, launching a mysterious projectile from the Cosmos 2543 satellite, which was, for all official purposes, meant solely to act as an inspection system. Despite the Russian Foreign Ministry declaring that ...
Six years after gaining independence from the Soviet Union, Estonia launched its Tiger Leap project in 1997, immersing its society into a period of rapid economic development and digitalization. Today, 99 percent of public services are available as e-services. Almost ...
By Alex Melnik The Rohingya people of Myanmar face some of the world’s most oppressive conditions, yet receive little international attention. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring countries to seek asylum, with many dying en route. To prevent further ...
Ever since the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea in 2014, US and NATO relations with Russia have been frozen, including the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), arguably the most valuable tool of NATO-Russian cooperation. Its function is essential to build ...
Crimes against humanity. No three words pierce the international sphere so drastically, no charge is quite so damning, yet none is equally as ambiguous. In fact, the charge – because of its weight and because it is often levied against ...
On October 20th, two United Nation officials visited Detroit, Michigan to conduct an unofficial investigation into the water crisis plaguing the city. Catarina de Albuquerque, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to water and sanitation, and Leilani Farha, the ...
There are always those Realists who, vigorously pursuing the intricacies of power politics, laugh down the very notion that international law holds any bearing over the foreign policies of states. The world, they assert, is inherently anarchic and international law ...