BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN – According to World Bank Governance Indicators, since achieving independence in 1991, Kyrgyzstan has consistently ranked in the bottom quarter of all countries in terms of political stability, a fact that is not surprising for a nation that ...
In February 2022, the turbines of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) — located nine miles into the Ethiopian side of the Ethiopia-Sudan border and on the Blue Nile tributary — were turned on and began generating electricity. Up and ...
LOS ANGELES — A raid by U.S. special operations forces in Syria on Feb. 3 resulted in the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, leader of ISIS. Surrounded by troops at his home, al-Qurayshi refused to surrender and instead detonated ...
LOS ANGELES — When people think of internationally smuggled goods, donkeys are not usually the first contraband item that comes to mind. However, due to a skyrocketing demand for donkey skin in China, millions of donkeys, primarily from Africa, Latin America ...
LOS ANGELES — From an outsider’s perspective, Thailand seems like a tropical paradise with its stunning beaches, lush forests and crystal clear water. Those who live there view it the same way, but are especially proud of the distinct culture ...
LOS ANGELES — The FIFA World Cup is the world’s most prestigious soccer competition and the highlight of the four-year season for soccer fans of all backgrounds. The upcoming World Cup in 2022 is especially exciting for fans in the ...
LOS ANGELES — The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been one of the most controversial issues in North Africa for the last decade. The GERD, a gravity dam which is currently being filled, is located nine miles off of ...
Citizenship is something that many people take for granted, assuming that the rights and sense of belonging afforded by it are permanent and unlikely to change. Though countries can revoke citizenship, it is often a measure of last resort and ...
On July 12, skirmishes broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan, leaving 16 people dead and marking the beginning of another cycle of conflict over the long disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. It is still unclear which country initiated the fighting, but both ...
On July 15, Russia quietly tested their newest space weapon, launching a mysterious projectile from the Cosmos 2543 satellite, which was, for all official purposes, meant solely to act as an inspection system. Despite the Russian Foreign Ministry declaring that ...