By Alex Melnik The Rohingya people of Myanmar face some of the world’s most oppressive conditions, yet receive little international attention. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring countries to seek asylum, with many dying en route. To prevent further ...
International borders are designed to control the people, goods and even the information moving across them. Among these resources, water stands as one of the most critical, and least cooperative. In the Caucasus region, transboundary water resources shared by Armenia ...
Guest Contributor: Kayla Foster Japan has the only constitution in the world that denounces the use of or threat of force in all cases but self-defense in its own territory. The provision that outlines this, Article 9, has caused controversy ...
For all the excitement about Euromaidan and the Ukraine crisis over the last 18 months, it seems that many have forgotten why Vladimir Putin so desperately wanted to keep Kyiv in Russia’s orbit in the first place. Starting as early ...
Guest Contributor: Ajoy Thamattoor Nepal is a crucible where a new experiment in pluralistic, secular democracy is being forged. Though overshadowed by its neighbors India and China, and riven by poverty and social, economic and linguistic divisions, the country’s current political ...
This article is part two of a two-part feature on US immigration policy. Guest Contributor: Anna-Catherine Brigida In 1951, an estimated one million people who were uprooted from their homes in the aftermath of World War II were still ...
This article is part one of a two-part feature on US immigration policy. Guest Contributor: Anna-Catherine Brigida Along the Rio Grande Valley, migrants from the south can see the United States just feet away. Some have traveled more than 2,000 ...
Is it ethical for the US to arm Syrian rebel groups in a humanitarian intervention effort to combat the Islamic State? Guest Contributor: Amanda Schmitt “There’s no negotiating with ISIL [and]nothing to negotiate,” asserted Secretary of State John Kerry in ...
Guest Contributor: Ajoy Thamattoor America is a land of immigrants; however, opposition to immigration predates the country’s founding. Benjamin Franklin, for instance, was a nativist who opposed even German immigration. In the final phases of America’s westward expansion, President Chester ...
Guest Contributor: Anne Gillman Since Myanmar’s 2011 reforms, the country has been widely re-evaluated by the international community. The US has moved from a policy of isolation and economic sanctions to offering partnership. With diplomatic missions now re-opened, Myanmar has ...