At the top of a hill in Cuba’s Vedado district sits the island nation’s oldest university. A statue of the Alma Mater towers over a steep flight of stairs, and through the pillars behind her is the sprawling courtyard hub ...
Concerned murmurs of “populism” hang over many political movements that emerged in 2016. The word littered headlines, describing political parties, politicians and popular movements in the US, UK, Spain, Italy and the Philippines, among others. As far as “isms” go, ...
One morning in 2010, foreign governments and American officials around the world were faced with the possibility of a multipronged scandal. Each of the 251,287 US diplomatic cables leaked by Bradley Manning to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange potentially held an ...
Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has become a household legend. For weeks after his last arrest, people clamored for his release, bearing signs pledging allegiance to him. “El Chapo is more of a president than Peña Nieto,” one of his supporters ...
“Shall I explain to you in one easy lesson how the world works?” Tywin Lannister sneers in the final episode of Game of Thrones, season 3. With that, he unloads the most comprehensive summary of the show’s survivalist political intrigue: ...
Evita is everywhere. Her iconic 20th century portrait stares back from postcards, magnets and other memorabilia sold in kiosks lining the most tourist-laden streets of Buenos Aires. But whether remembered with nostalgic affection or bitter eye-rolls, the populist legacy of ...
South Africa’s agriculture industry can breathe a sigh of relief. No, its farming exports will not lose preferential, duty-free access to the US market under the African Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA)—but for a while, a tense trade dispute with ...
Behind the landmark climate deal that came out of Paris almost a month ago, one negotiator’s success deserves reflection. Izabella Teixeira was in a complicated position. As Brazil’s environment minister, she was tasked with a mediating role despite environmental negligence ...
This piece is the first of Glimpse’s “Regional Check-In Series.” To read about the Caucasus and Central Asia, click here. To read about Southeast Asia, click here. As the end of the commodities boom pulls demand for South American staples into ...
A nebulous cloud of secrecy hangs over the $50 billion Nicaragua canal project, a murky initiative to open another Central American water bridge. At its helm are Chinese telecom mogul Wang Jing and Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega, who recently amended ...