Britain is gearing up for a historic referendum that will determine whether it remains a member of the European Union. Prime Minister David Cameron is in a tricky spot: he must please Eurosceptics in his party with a tough, Britain-first ...

Burundi faces the worst economic and political crisis that it has seen since the 1993-2005 Civil War. Ironically, while that war ended with a new constitution and the peaceful parliamentary appointment of President Pierre Nkurunziza, the current unrest has been ...

Not a day goes by without something going awry in this wonderful, horrible world of ours. Follow any daily newsletter (The American Interest’s Daily News Brief is particularly concise for the amount of detail it provides) and you’ll find headlines ...

Though we are well into the 21st century, the infrastructure and design of most of the world’s cities still reflect the zeitgeist of 20th century modernist urban planning. Urban planning is struggling to keep up with the new, progressive values ...

This piece is the first of Glimpse’s “Regional Check-In Series.” To read about the Caucasus and Central Asia, click here. To read about Southeast Asia, click here. As the end of the commodities boom pulls demand for South American staples into ...

In the pilot episode of Voices from the Globe, host and executive producer Dan Morgan-Russell discusses conflicts in the South China Sea with guests Nathaniel Haas and James L. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]IMAGE: The USS Teddy Roosevelt operating ...

Jack Anderson The term “Global War on Terror” may have been phased out by the Obama administration, but it continues nonetheless; terror attacks know no bounds. Islamic terrorists continue to display an apparently insatiable desire to wreak havoc upon both ...

The title of this article is neither a joke nor is it unrealistic. Rather, it indicates an ugly truth that illuminates some of the more adverse results of globalization. It reveals a system that has been called ‘neo-cannibalistic’, that allegedly ...

While most countries are still discussing ideas of how to curb carbon emissions, last March, Costa Rica made a groundbreaking announcement—their state-run utility company reported that they had powered their country’s electricity through renewable energy sources for a record-breaking 75 ...

On Monday, September 28, Russian President Putin spoke before the UN General Assembly in New York for the first time in a decade. Putin outlined Russia’s plan for reintegration into the global community. In one word: Syria. By taking a ...