After Bernie Sanders’ shocking challenge to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries and Donald Trump’s overwhelming victory in the Republican primary, many were quick to point out similarities between the two candidates. Both were outsiders, anti-establishment, and, in their own ...

Glimpse Senior Correspondents Luke Phillips and Miles Malley spoke to Dr. Paul Pillar about US foreign policy in the Middle East. Dr. Paul Pillar is a 28-year veteran of the U.S. intelligence community, culminating in service as the National Intelligence Officer ...

By Alex Melnik The Rohingya people of Myanmar face some of the world’s most oppressive conditions, yet receive little international attention. Hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring countries to seek asylum, with many dying en route. To prevent further ...

Japan is an island country in many ways beyond just being surrounded by water. The country has been elusive and wary of foreigners for centuries, and although the country has increasingly globalized in the last few decades, it remains as ...

Emi: Polarization. Again. Caos. Crisis. Oportunidad. Independencia – Words that Spanish press have used in the last few months to report on and attempt to make sense of the Catalan independence movement. As with any politically fraught situation, opinions are ...

As the United States approaches 16 years of military occupation in Afghanistan, many are wondering how the country got there and, perhaps more importantly, how does it get out? The question of the exit strategy for Afghanistan has plagued US ...

On March 28, 2015, Beijing introduced the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a Chinese-led venture that aims to connect parts of the Asian, European, and African continents with each other through infrastructure projects. Using a two-fold approach: the ‘Silk Road ...

With North Korea and the US exchanging threats, many are concerned about the prospects of a second Korean War. Glimpse Correspondents and members of USC’s international relations Fraternity Delta Phi Epsilon share their views on the crisis. The views expressed ...

On July 6, 2017, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced Cyprus’ 11th failed peace talk to reunify the north and south in 43 years. A divided nation since 1974, Cyprus is located in the eastern Mediterranean at a strategic commercial ...

Catalonia– a self-governing region in Spain– has always been different from the rest of the country. It has its own historical and cultural identity, as well as its own language, estatuto (constitution), and its own elected government. Since 1979, “Catalan” ...