Over the past 60 years, Africa has received over $1 trillion USD in development-related aid, yet more than 50 percent of the population still lives on less than one US dollar a day. Despite continuous money flows to recipient countries ...

According to a report published by C40, a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change, over 800 million people will live in cities where sea levels could rise by more than half a meter, or approximately five ...

Democracy dies in darkness. In the wake of several brutal crackdowns of environmentalists and human rights advocates, few places better exemplify this than Vietnam. While many Vietnamese and international observers had hoped that this one-party communist state was beginning to ...

The United States has long served as a beacon for the values of free trade and open markets. Now, however, a little-known government committee, CFIUS, has become a key player in the Trump Administration’s  “America First” strategy and threatens to ...

  On June 12, 2018, when United States President Donald Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, resolution and reunification of the two Koreas seemed all the more achievable. While North Korea’s despotic government contrasts with the democratic regime ...

Roe v Wade may have been revolutionary for women’s health and rights in the United States, but the majority of the over 325 million women living in Latin America and the Caribbean are still subject to a near-total ban on ...

  On September 26th, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, and Canada, all signed a joint letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation against Venezuela for alleged crimes against humanity. This united effort is momentous not only ...

In 2005, the IMF and World Bank decided to forgive low–income countries, the majority of which were in Africa, of the crushing debt they owed to rich, developed countries. However, more than a decade later, many African countries are once ...

Known for its relative stability in a region of violent conflict, Jordan is often referred to as an “oasis of peace” by many scholars of the region. While this may be true, the region is certainly no environmental oasis. In ...

On August 3, 2014, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) attacked Iraq’s Sinjar province in Northern Iraq, where around 400,000 Yazidis lived. The attack caused many to flee to Mt. Sinjar and was declared a humanitarian tragedy by UN ...