I- NIXON’S WORLD AND OURS Most readers will be familiar with the not-often-observed legal responsibility of the President of the United States to provide Congress with an annual report on his administration’s foreign policy initiatives, called the “National Security Strategy.” ...

Barack Obama’s historic trip to Cuba and the subsequent easing of relations has left Cuban and US scholars wondering if this is the beginning of the end for the Cuban Embargo. Since Raul Castro’s ascendence to the presidency, change has ...

A time-honored tradition in the foreign policy commentariat is the habit of anyone who studies foreign policy for a living–from undergraduates at USC to PhD’s in International Relations and former Undersecretaries of State for Communications Policy– to put on their ...

As of late January 2017, the US-backed Iraqi forces have declared Eastern Mosul liberated from the grasp of the Islamic State. Mosul has been a key stronghold of the Islamic State since its capture in 2014, providing revenue in the ...

Anti-government protests called by the Venezuelan opposition Wednesday in the capital of Caracas (3 dead) were the characteristic mix of legitimate democratic demands, calculated bursts of violence and social media messaging that make up the opposition’s strategy against Maduro’s regime. ...

During the election, no one on the political Left engaged in the mental exercise of visualizing an America with a President Trump. It was an absurd, unimaginable scenario, not to mention a terrifying one—some have since taken Trump’s election as ...

On April 6th, Donald Trump ordered an attack on Syrian regime assets, “retaliating” against its most recent use of nerve agents against his civilians. The attack came in the form of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles strikes, which, according to the ...

Abstract Despite friendly appearances, there is a growing policy gap between the US and the EU, be it in military capacity, attitudes towards China or trade and migration. In the past, the UK served as a bridge between the two actors through its ...

As it pertains to the supposed relationship between Russia and Team Trump, and especially between Russia and President Trump himself, there currently exists two vastly different criticisms coming from the Democratic party. The first criticism concerns the seeming inability of ...

Concerned murmurs of “populism” hang over many political movements that emerged in 2016. The word littered headlines, describing political parties, politicians and popular movements in the US, UK, Spain, Italy and the Philippines, among others. As far as “isms” go, ...