In the four months since the coalition of Gulf States—Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates—cut their diplomatic ties with Qatar and initiated a land, air, and sea blockade, little movement towards a resolution has been made. The conflict ...
In describing the history of Korea’s foreign relations, there is an appropriate phrase: “Between a fight of whales, the shrimp is crushed.” While the Korean peninsula’s relative geographic isolation has protected its peoples’ ancient, independent streak, every few centuries the ...
Sandy Hook, Connecticut December 14, 2012. I remember the day so vividly. I was sitting in my 11th grade Spanish classroom when over the loudspeaker, we were told that my school was on lockdown. Naturally, my heart sank, like it ...
There’s something fishy about American politics, and it boils down to this—our political divisions on every issue don’t really fit neatly onto a left-right axis. Something else appears to be at work, and according to various scholars, that something is ...
Last month, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation decided in a 4-1 vote that growing marijuana for personal consumption is a human right. Four activists – founders of the Mexican Society for Responsible and Tolerant Personal Use ...
Not a day goes by without something going awry in this wonderful, horrible world of ours. Follow any daily newsletter (The American Interest’s Daily News Brief is particularly concise for the amount of detail it provides) and you’ll find headlines ...
Kenneth Lee The Trans-Pacific Partnership, representing 40% of global GDP, is the largest trade deal in history, short of the General Agreement of Trade and Tariffs. It is a victory for more openness and trade liberalization, which economics shows increase ...
On May 19, 2015, Chinese Premiere Li Keqiang announced a series of investment and trade deals with Brazil amounting to 50 billion dollars. These deals range from the financing of a Brazilian state-owned oil firm to investments in transportation infrastructure, ...
Andre Gray The Japanese restrictions on collective defense and power projection outlined in the famed Article 9 have produced in Japan’s culture a deep pacifist sentiment, which plays an essential part in the country’s postwar identity. The new legislation will ...
“The War to End All Wars” is a phrase describing the First World War, typically invoked when someone wants to mock the self-assured sense of destiny of European observers in 1914. After all, the unprecedented bloodshed of the First World ...