In October of 2019, The United States Senate passed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act unanimously. The act is an addition to a series of US measures intended to ameliorate Taiwan’s worsening foreign relations. The act ...
The global gag rule (GGR), also known as the Mexico City Policy, has been limiting the resources of countless foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) over the last four decades. Despite studies in sub-Saharan Africa revealing that the global gag rule is ...
In May of 2018, two brothers of a historically Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, were harassed and physically assaulted near Towson University, Maryland. Classified as a “hate-bias” crime in a statement released by Towson University, the incident was only covered ...
With the fourth highest population of transient people in the nation, roughly 9,000 people within the San Diego area are unable to acquire and maintain safe or adequate housing. Despite an overall decline in homelessness in California in 2018, San ...
In a recent Amnesty International report, it was found that 13-year-old Dinara Yergali was just one of many Uighur Muslims in China who have suffered from humanitarian abuses. In March 2018, upon returning back to her hometown in Zhaosu County, ...
The United States has long served as a beacon for the values of free trade and open markets. Now, however, a little-known government committee, CFIUS, has become a key player in the Trump Administration’s “America First” strategy and threatens to ...
On June 12, 2018, when United States President Donald Trump met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, resolution and reunification of the two Koreas seemed all the more achievable. While North Korea’s despotic government contrasts with the democratic regime ...
In 2005, the IMF and World Bank decided to forgive low–income countries, the majority of which were in Africa, of the crushing debt they owed to rich, developed countries. However, more than a decade later, many African countries are once ...
Rebecca Cheng: Symbol of Partisanship, Questions of Legitimacy After Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, actor Matt Damon made an appearance on Saturday Night Live, playing Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearing. He opened with, “I’m going to start at ...
In July 2016, in response to North Korea’s rising nuclear threat, the US and South Korea announced their decision to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), an antimissile battery built to intercept short- and medium-range ballistic missiles. China ...