The days of Uber as the innovative app that will change the way we think about transportation is over – or at least it being the sole source of innovation. Today, many firms across Asia are starting to push the ...
In a notable departure from its longtime anti-war stance, the Japanese government is becoming increasingly assertive on the world stage. The Japanese have grown accustomed to their unique identity as one of the world’s few pacifist countries, and many resist ...
At the Seventh Congress of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party—the first meeting of its kind in 36 years—Kim Jong-un declared that his state would use its “strong nuclear deterrent” as a means to continue its commitment to nonproliferation. But this ...
As 2015 draws to a close, every region of the world is experiencing some amount of volatility that will persist into 2016. Some countries around the world will resolve their problems and thrive; others will fail to meet their challenges ...
Edward Snowden refuses to take advantage of his “right to be forgotten”. In the midst of the ongoing international effort to detect and prevent terror attacks, Snowden has championed the causes of digital rights and individual privacy. His tool of choice is ...
Ever since the Ukraine crisis and the annexation of Crimea in 2014, US and NATO relations with Russia have been frozen, including the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), arguably the most valuable tool of NATO-Russian cooperation. Its function is essential to build ...
Not a day goes by without something going awry in this wonderful, horrible world of ours. Follow any daily newsletter (The American Interest’s Daily News Brief is particularly concise for the amount of detail it provides) and you’ll find headlines ...
On Monday, September 28, Russian President Putin spoke before the UN General Assembly in New York for the first time in a decade. Putin outlined Russia’s plan for reintegration into the global community. In one word: Syria. By taking a ...
Guest Contributor: Kayla Foster Japan has the only constitution in the world that denounces the use of or threat of force in all cases but self-defense in its own territory. The provision that outlines this, Article 9, has caused controversy ...
Andre Gray The Japanese restrictions on collective defense and power projection outlined in the famed Article 9 have produced in Japan’s culture a deep pacifist sentiment, which plays an essential part in the country’s postwar identity. The new legislation will ...