On a spate of issues, Democrats in America love to idealize the liberal policies of other countries. Whether on healthcare, education or the prison system, there is no shortage of left-wing pundits and politicians admonishing American practices and praising those ...
Japan is an island country in many ways beyond just being surrounded by water. The country has been elusive and wary of foreigners for centuries, and although the country has increasingly globalized in the last few decades, it remains as ...
Policy Pear President Lina Abisoghomyan and Glimpse From the Globe Senior Correspondent Luke Phillips sit down to discuss how Brexit affects the UK’s position in NATO, UK-US relations, and NATO cohesion. How does a post-Britain EU conceive of itself, and what ...
With the value of the euro at a 12-year low, Europe’s immigration issues are in the spotlight as tourists flock there to take advantage of the cheap currency. While visitors expect to see the famous buildings, historical plazas and pretty ...
This article is part two of a two-part feature on US immigration policy. Guest Contributor: Anna-Catherine Brigida In 1951, an estimated one million people who were uprooted from their homes in the aftermath of World War II were still ...
This article is part one of a two-part feature on US immigration policy. Guest Contributor: Anna-Catherine Brigida Along the Rio Grande Valley, migrants from the south can see the United States just feet away. Some have traveled more than 2,000 ...
Guest Contributor: Ajoy Thamattoor America is a land of immigrants; however, opposition to immigration predates the country’s founding. Benjamin Franklin, for instance, was a nativist who opposed even German immigration. In the final phases of America’s westward expansion, President Chester ...
In 2014 the Australian government launched a shocking and bizarre strategy to tackle their immigration problem. The campaign strategically aims to discourage immigrants from even thinking about coming to Australia rather than trying to stop them at the border. The ...
Jesus is 2,000 miles from home, and he and his mother are another 34 hours from Mississippi, where he will finally meet his father. Jesus is 14, and he hasn’t seen his father in 13 years. He and his mother ...