This piece is the first installation of a two-part series on the Chinese One Belt, One Road strategy. To read the second installation, click here. When I arrived in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, a landlocked, mountainous country in Central Asia and the smallest and ...
Usually when it comes to the G7, what America says, goes. With vehement American opposition to the Chinese proposal of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the G7 countries, composed of strong American allies and the most influential economies in ...
Recent geopolitical events in Africa have shed light on an unfortunate trend in Western media: the neglect of substantial African stories. When stories on Africa do make headlines, they are usually the most sensational pieces. These pieces reveal two unfortunate ...
Nathaniel Haas President Obama’s address to the nation on Tuesday night was a timely and timeless reminder that not only is the state of the union strong, but so too is Obama’s resolve to leave a legacy and craft a ...
This piece is part two of “Luke’s Musings” There really ought to be a roaring chorus of foreign policy experts and grand strategists continually screaming to the world: “I DON’T KNOW WHICH GRAND STRATEGY AMERICA SHOULD TAKE!” because, judging by ...
In late May, Putin and Xi Jinping signed a massive 400 billion dollar natural gas deal in Shanghai. For the next thirty years, new pipelines will pump trillions of cubic feet of natural gas from Russia’s Gazprom, the world’s largest ...
Mousa: “This is Afghanistan…Alexander the Great try to conquer this country… then Genghis Khan, then the British. Now Russia. But Afghan people fight hard, they never be defeated. Ancient enemy make prayer about these people… you wish to hear? Rambo: ...