As the Syrian Civil War continues into its third year and the Islamic State’s (IS) actions in Iraq grab international headlines, a humanitarian crisis is clearly unfolding in the Middle East. However, one of the most difficult aftermaths of ...

Its three branches reaching the border of the province, Its nine streams touching the gateways of the city, This river runs beyond heaven and earth, Where the color of the mountains both is and is not. The dwellings of men ...

This article is the third part of Glimpse’s three-part series on independence While most of the world has their eyes fixed on the crisis in Crimea, a Balkan nation southwest of Ukraine is currently experiencing one of the most tense ...

The ecological and humanitarian importance of preserving the Peruvian Amazon It’s no secret that mankind’s industrial explosion has precipitated global climate change for over a century. As industrialism continues worldwide at a seemingly interminable rate, greenhouse gases are incessantly spewed ...

In India, old habits of LGBTQ legal and cultural intolerance die hard. Just last week, Delhi University made waves in its decision to allow students interested in post-graduate programs to indicate a third gender (transgender) on their applications. Many see ...

Darren Wilson, a white police officer, shot and killed Michael Brown on August 9. Brown was 18, unarmed and black. His body lay in the street for four hours. According to Brown’s autopsy results, the teenager was shot from the ...

West African nations have lost over 1,400 people since March of this year to Ebola. With no formal cure other than treating symptoms, the infected face a mortality rate of between 50-90%, making it one of the world’s deadliest diseases. ...

Despite past success, change may be looming for South Korea’s education system For decades, South Korea has been among the top nations worldwide in student test scores and literacy and graduation rates. Following the Korean War, the administrations of Syngman ...

On July 15, during the latest BRICS Summit at Fortaleza, Brazil, the five countries of the BRICS Group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) announced the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), a new international development bank aimed ...

Jesus is 2,000 miles from home, and he and his mother are another 34 hours from Mississippi, where he will finally meet his father. Jesus is 14, and he hasn’t seen his father in 13 years. He and his mother ...