When Pressure for Political Consensus Blinds Policymaking The EU deadlock on refugee policy is not so much an immigration crisis as it is one of European solidarity. Plans of redistribution quotas between member states have failed repeatedly. Of the 160,000 ...

Libya is running out of time. The country’s economic situation is dire—it is estimated that Libya’s foreign reserves are around $50 to $60 billion, less than half of what they were just two years ago. Low oil prices have forced ...

In one of my first pieces for Glimpse from the Globe, I discussed Ireland’s vulnerability in the global economy. I considered three threats facing the relatively young nation: an Irish economic bust similar to the death of the Celtic Tiger, ...

With the recent death of its senior justice, Antonin Scalia, and the political firestorm engulfing President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court of the United States has dominated the American public’s attention in the midst of an already chaotic ...

International borders are designed to control the people, goods and even the information moving across them. Among these resources, water stands as one of the most critical, and least cooperative. In the Caucasus region, transboundary water resources shared by Armenia ...

A little over a year ago, on March 9, 2015, a student protestor at the University of Cape Town (UCT) threw his own feces at a statue. Without context, this act seems a little ridiculous. However, this was not an ...

Correspondent Steve Helmeci wrote an interesting and critical piece on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Glimpse this year. The thrust of Helmeci’s argument is this: Hillary Clinton expounds an “outdated and dangerous” strategic ideology, which he refers to as ...

Not only known as the leader of the most populous country in the world, President Xi is also affectionately called “Daddy Xi”, with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sanctioned rap videos containing brilliant lyrics about his effectiveness as China’s top leader. ...

Jack Anderson Belgium is reeling from its recent terror attacks. The tactics employed worked around post-9/11 security measures at Zaventem Airport, maximizing casualties and undermining public faith in the security apparatus. Terrorists have learned to leverage the vulnerability of locations ...

Towering above the famous — or infamous, depending on your perspective — Mansu Hill Grand Monument in Pyongyang, North Korea stand two massive statues. Looming 22 meters high, the bronze incarnates of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il express gleeful smiles, ...