SDG Overview Regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 goals intended to provide quantitative data on each country’s development progress, Syria ranks 130th of 166 countries and territories. Syria particularly lags behind its regional counterparts ...
For those unfamiliar with the great significance Kosovo holds to the Serbian people, it is best summed up by Serbian bishop Amfilohije: “Kosovo [is]our holy city of Jerusalem,” which Serbs cannot relinquish “in this worldly life nor in God’s eternal ...
Since the start of the Hamas-Israeli war, seventeen Palestinians, three Israelis, and one Lebanese journalist have lost their lives. A frequently overlooked aspect of international law during discussions and law-making is the safeguarding of journalists in conflict areas. From the ...
On Sept. 23, 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled that the Australian government failed to protect the Indigenous Torres Strait Islanders from the severe impacts of climate change. The Torres Strait Islands are located between northwestern continental Australia ...
Today in the West Bank, about 871,000 Palestinian refugees reside in UN refugee camps. Inside one of these camps, women and their children prepare a dish called Maqluba, meaning “upside-down.” The pot consists of rice, meat and vegetables and is ...
LOS ANGELES — The average American uses 82 gallons of water per day — the equivalent of running a faucet for 37 minutes straight. For most citizens of developed countries, a glass of water is a short walk to the ...
LOS ANGELES — The FIFA World Cup is the world’s most prestigious soccer competition and the highlight of the four-year season for soccer fans of all backgrounds. The upcoming World Cup in 2022 is especially exciting for fans in the ...
LOS ANGELES — Since the start of the Yemen crisis in 2015, ongoing humanitarian issues have been a key priority for international organizations like the United Nations and watchdog groups and NGOs. Providing effective and appropriate humanitarian assistance and aid ...
SAN FRANCISCO — Single-use plastics have been a lifeline in the fight against COVID-19, protecting healthcare workers with disposable gloves, face masks, and gowns. Additionally single-use plastics have helped facilitate adherence to social-distancing mandates while supporting businesses online, through items ...
LOS ANGELES — The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has been one of the most controversial issues in North Africa for the last decade. The GERD, a gravity dam which is currently being filled, is located nine miles off of ...