Katya Lopatko: A Win for Centrists “On Sunday, the people of France annoyingly retained their traditional right to claim intellectual superiority over Americans.” The New Yorker’s celebrated political satirist Andy Borowitz summed up the dramatic and drawn-out French election with ...
“Their world is crumbling. Ours is being built.” The vice-president of France’s far-right, populist Front National (FN) party tweeted this message on November 9, as Donald Trump’s victory became evident. The FN’s prominence in the upcoming French presidential election poses ...
Policy Pear President Lina Abisoghomyan and Glimpse From the Globe Senior Correspondent Luke Phillips sit down to discuss how Brexit affects the UK’s position in NATO, UK-US relations, and NATO cohesion. How does a post-Britain EU conceive of itself, and what ...
Libya is running out of time. The country’s economic situation is dire—it is estimated that Libya’s foreign reserves are around $50 to $60 billion, less than half of what they were just two years ago. Low oil prices have forced ...
The recent terrorist attacks in Paris have shocked and outraged the French, Europeans and people all over the world. Undoubtedly, the tragedy will have a heavy impact on Western countries’ foreign policy in the Middle East. But perhaps less obvious ...
Jack Anderson The term “Global War on Terror” may have been phased out by the Obama administration, but it continues nonetheless; terror attacks know no bounds. Islamic terrorists continue to display an apparently insatiable desire to wreak havoc upon both ...
With the value of the euro at a 12-year low, Europe’s immigration issues are in the spotlight as tourists flock there to take advantage of the cheap currency. While visitors expect to see the famous buildings, historical plazas and pretty ...
At the G7 summit in Germany this past month, world leaders from developed nations pledged to completely phase out fossil fuels by 2100 in an attempt to mitigate climate change. If this weighty goal is to be reached, a transition ...
Following international headlines as of late, it would appear that the top story coming out of France concerns President François Hollande’s personal (read: intimate) life. Interestingly, none of the major American and British news agencies or papers mentioned France’s Jour ...
In Islamabad, Pakistan, people clamored for a reservation to sample the new and exclusive French restaurant in the heart of the city. The city is a hotbed for different cultures and people, where wealthy Pakistanis mingle with foreign diplomats and ...