At the G7 summit in Germany this past month, world leaders from developed nations pledged to completely phase out fossil fuels by 2100 in an attempt to mitigate climate change. If this weighty goal is to be reached, a transition ...

The UN declared 2014 as the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to launch initiatives for collective development, human rights, natural disaster management and environmental sustainability. The declaration also called attention to the dire situation that the SIDS ...

A streamlined public transportation system is an important element of any modern city’s infrastructure. Metro and subway systems reduce traffic, cut emissions and connect populations. Look to Asia for prime examples of such systems; Japan is home to 82 of ...

On January 26, Vice President Joe Biden headed the first Caribbean Energy Security Summit, a conference attended by representatives from European, Latin American and Caribbean states, as well as a significant collection of non-state financial actors including the World Bank. ...

There is a narrow but growing sector at the nexus between clean energy and international development—one that may be leveraged to simultaneously address both climate change and wealth inequality. Developing states are increasingly taking advantage of this synergy to galvanize ...

For all intents and purposes, Vladimir Putin killed the South Stream natural gas pipeline project on December 1st during a joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The news made global headlines and rocked the natural gas industry. ...

The Arctic represents an unknown. Old maps often label it Terra Incognita Septentrionalis: “Unknown Northern Land.” While it is now known that the Arctic is an ice-covered ocean, the region remains largely ignored in the realm of geopolitics. This is ...

The ecological and humanitarian importance of preserving the Peruvian Amazon It’s no secret that mankind’s industrial explosion has precipitated global climate change for over a century. As industrialism continues worldwide at a seemingly interminable rate, greenhouse gases are incessantly spewed ...

In late May, Putin and Xi Jinping signed a massive 400 billion dollar natural gas deal in Shanghai. For the next thirty years, new pipelines will pump trillions of cubic feet of natural gas from Russia’s Gazprom, the world’s largest ...

The view of the world from the North Pole is not a common perspective. Most of us may only recognize it from the white-on-blue flag of the United Nations. However, this view of the world may become increasingly common as ...