Between October 31st and November 2nd 2017, more than 1,000 business leaders, government officials and academics met in Bahrain for the United Nations Forum on Sustainable Development, which focused on the need for more sustainable investing in business practices and ...
On March 28, 2015, Beijing introduced the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a Chinese-led venture that aims to connect parts of the Asian, European, and African continents with each other through infrastructure projects. Using a two-fold approach: the ‘Silk Road ...
In one of my first pieces for Glimpse from the Globe, I discussed Ireland’s vulnerability in the global economy. I considered three threats facing the relatively young nation: an Irish economic bust similar to the death of the Celtic Tiger, ...
Every year, numerous articles and books are written on the topic of development. These publications regularly focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region in the world, and they almost always describe development from a Western perspective, appealing to policy makers ...
Recently, the Huffington Post released a widely popular three minute compilation video of Donald Trump repeating the word China with varying degrees of contempt. As apparent in the video, candidate Trump has made attacking China a major plank in his ...
Usually when it comes to the G7, what America says, goes. With vehement American opposition to the Chinese proposal of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the G7 countries, composed of strong American allies and the most influential economies in ...
Listening to your family members bicker at the dinner table during the holiday season isn’t the only type of politics being served up. Every time food is bought, sold, or eaten, the global food marketplace is affected, in turn impacting ...