The limbo between eastern and western alignment creates a violent and dangerous future for Central European states. The Visegràd Group (V4), a political and cultural alliance formed by Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, has to reassess its political landscape ...
Introduction Recently, the EU has undergone significant changes due to external factors including, but not limited to, the 2008 economic crisis, the Arab Spring uprising, the emergence of Islamic State in the Middle East and the Syrian refugee crisis. Combined ...
Correspondents Luke Phillips and Spencer Slagowitz sit down for a conversation about trends in foreign affairs, from trade to climate change to the populist right. The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of the Glimpse from the ...
Policy Pear President Lina Abisoghomyan and Glimpse From the Globe Senior Correspondent Luke Phillips sit down to discuss how Brexit affects the UK’s position in NATO, UK-US relations, and NATO cohesion. How does a post-Britain EU conceive of itself, and what ...
On Friday, June 24, the world woke up in an alternate reality. The unthinkable had happened: overnight, one of the European Union’s most influential members had voted to turn its back on the world’s leading institution for transnational cooperation, a ...
In the 1990s, scholars argued that “the EU would rule the 21st century by virtue of its proven capacity to manage and regulate a continental sized economy.” Such assertions of confidence in the European project are now forgotten. Instead, the ...
Nisha Kale In London, Brexit seems to have taken the city by shock. Walking through the streets of central London, people stand everywhere with political signs, and the news plays in every open shop. There is an air of panic and uncertainty. ...
In one of my first pieces for Glimpse from the Globe, I discussed Ireland’s vulnerability in the global economy. I considered three threats facing the relatively young nation: an Irish economic bust similar to the death of the Celtic Tiger, ...