LOS ANGELES — When envisioning a smart city, one might think of self-driving cars, robots, and sparkling clean streets. Fortunately, this vision will soon be within reach. The automobile company Toyota plans to fulfill this idealistic vision through its Woven ...
For many, the January 2021 inauguration of President Joe Biden restored faith in Washington’s ability to repair its global leadership. Former President Donald Trump’s aggressively protectionist attitude toward North Korea, in particular, has tarnished the U.S.’ image as a benevolent ...
In most countries, graduating from university is traditionally met with the expectation that graduates can land stable jobs and advance their careers in a competitive and hierarchical employment system. Japanese culture, in particular, emphasizes the importance of higher education and ...
The economic repercussions of COVID-19 have halted rampant consumerism. In particular, the fast fashion industry has incurred tremendous losses. With nowhere to go and no one to see, formerly avid fast fashion consumers aren’t stocking up on the latest, cheapest ...
Climate change is threatening the global citizen’s morning cup of coffee, with scientists predicting a 50% decrease in land sustainable for coffee production by 2050. Around 500 million cups of coffee are consumed annually, so how will the caffeine-reliant population ...