In April 2020, I got a call from Max Haskell, then-president, asking me to join Glimpse from the Globe. He described the organization as a small one, with a lot of potential and room for growth.
Admittedly, I had never heard of Glimpse, which Max described as a digital foreign affairs publication, bringing together USC’s sharpest undergraduate minds for open dialogue and analysis on foreign affairs. In only a few minutes, Max pitched his idea that I should become editor-in-chief with my background in student journalism and my passion for international issues. But before I said yes, I wanted to scope out how big the undertaking would be.
I asked him how many members Glimpse had, he smiled and replied: “4.”
Since that call, I have had the pleasure of serving as Glimpse’s editor-in-chief. Though we started with a small, but strong, group of four members, I am proud to be departing my role with the knowledge that Glimpse has indeed grown. Today, we boast nearly 130 members — incredibly talented writers, devoted editors, creative multimedia staff and designers and more. I have seen Glimpse expand and make an impact at USC, giving a space to students to write about and discuss the international issues they believe are critical, yet undercovered. Our social media presence has nearly quadrupled and now, when I speak to students both in and out of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Glimpse is no longer an unfamiliar name. From where we started in 2020, Glimpse has certainly made its mark — and better yet, it’s far from done.
But beyond the headlines and the hundreds of articles, the podcasts produced and the special series published, I look back most fondly on the people I have met through this wonderful organization.
As a graduating senior, there is a lot to be worried about: uncertainty about the future, moving to a new place, leaving behind home and more. Among those worries is the fear of leaving behind campus organizations — the ones you have come to treasure dearly and work tirelessly for in the last four years — in a state of disarray. You worry about if the organization will thrive long after you are gone or if it will change in new ways — for better or for worse. But at the end of my time at USC, I am glad to say that this is not a worry I have with Glimpse. Its stellar leadership, under the guidance of President Lauren Schulsohn, and my successor, Editor-in-Chief Sangeeta Kishore, will change Glimpse for the better. And in the coming years, I can only do what a proud alumna hopes to do: cheer on from afar.
This May, I graduate from the university and, with that, officially end my more than two-year tenure as Glimpse’s editor-in-chief. This publication is more than just that — instead, I have come to see Glimpse as a family. Yes, we are a collective of writers, editors, videographers, podcasters and more, but more than anything, we are friends. We cherish the time we spend together, the conversations we have and the ways in which we push each other to strive for greatness, both in the newsroom and out.
I have many people to thank, including Max Haskell and Lauren Schulsohn, both fearless leaders with whom I have had the privilege to work. Additionally, I am grateful to my editorial team, Sangeeta Kishore, Krishni Satchi, Emily Lieberman, Emily Morris, Valerie Wu, Hannah Keenan, Carmen Santiago and Sumaya Hussaini. You all are patient, persistent and have made this experience beyond worth it. It has been a pleasure to work with you all, not just as your EIC, but as your friend. Finally, to anyone who has impacted Glimpse, from our executive board and writers to our social media team and our designers, you all make this organization what it is.
I am forever indebted to Glimpse for giving me a space to improve as an editor, learn as a leader and grow as a friend. Quality journalism is more important than ever and the world is constantly evolving; I cannot wait to see all the ways this organization will continue to make its mark and move the needle.
Mia Speier